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AQUA KIOSK is a fully automated computerized water dispenser that monitors each stage of its function, water level, and water quality.

The Aqua Kiosk system consists of the following 9 stages of water filtration:

5 Micron Filtration: filters out coarse particles, impurities, sludge, colloid, suspended substances and sediments, while retaining only water molecules and dissolved oxygen in the water.
Granular Activated Carbon Filtration: removes iron, chlorine, odor, color, organic compounds and some heavy metals.
Carbon Filter: further removes chlorine, odor, color, organic compounds, and turbidity.
1 Micron Filtration: additional filter of all residual suspended solids with 1 microns filter to protect the RO membrane.
Reverse Osmosis Filtration: RO membrane with a pore size of 0.1 nm to remove water bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, soluble solids and other organic impurities.
Post Carbon Filtration: further removes odor and color, and improves the taste.
Water Ionization and Mineralization: add in healthy minerals, such as calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium to re-adjust PH level and produce electrolytes (electrically conductive ions) and trace minerals to become clean healthy mineralized drinking water.
Water Ozonation: to prevent thriving of bacteria in the reserve tank, and possible bacteria hide-out in pipelines.
UV Treatment: to further eliminate bacteria in the water.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse Osmosis is a technology that removes impurities from pre-filtered water by pushing the water under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane creating pure water. The RO process removes various types of dissolved and suspended particulate from the water, and is used in both industrial processes and in the production of potable water. Min Delvron uses United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) approved RO membranes with a pore size of 0.1 nm to remove bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, soluble solids and other organic impurities in the AQUA KIOSK.

Mineralized Water

After the RO process has filtered out all trace minerals that are found in good healthy drinking water, AQUA KIOSK adds the natural minerals back into the water. AQUA KIOSK uses a United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) approved mineral cartridge to add trace minerals of calcium and magnesium, potassium and sodium back into the water to readjust the mineral content for good health. Adding natural minerals increases the negative ions in the water, as well as the pH level, making the water slight alkaline and increasing the water’s antioxidant properties.

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